Why you will benefit from coaching and accountability

I am physiotherapist and exercise coach. I help people recover from injury and help people maintain there health through regularly exercise.

We have all experienced the struggles of sticking to a plan. Over time motivation to exercise decreases and the effort becomes increasingly difficult. One way to deal with a decrease in motivation is to increase your ability to complete the task. A coach, who keeps you accountable, who checks in with you, and who sees you for regular sessions is a great way to improve your ability. Here are few areas a coach can help to keep you on task and moving towards your goals.

  • Accountability. Have you started a program but found it difficult to stick with? This is where a coach can help.

  • Exercise planning. Not entirely sure who to believe or how to exercise? This is where a physio and strength coach can help. I have done the training, I do the reading, and I continue to train myself at a high level.

  • Lifestyle health advice: nutrition, mental health, and sleep. Unsure how to navigate the quagmire of online health? This is where an evidence based practitioner can help guide you in the right direction. Check out my most recent newsletter for a better understanding of my grounded take understanding of health – The Monthly Dose.

  • When appropriate I will link you with other great practitioners in nutrition, mental health and behaviour change.

If you want to reach a goal or want to learn more about exercise and healthy living reach out and we can start working together.

Physiotherapy is covered by almost all health plans. Why not take a proactive step towards better health through strength training, accountability, and lifestyle health education.


A response to the CPA acupuncture article.