January 2019 Monthly Dose

Health comes in many forms. By understanding what matters most and engaging in your health I believe you can live a full life.

Exercise: consistency - I spoke about this one year ago and I will bring it up again. The most important part of any exercise regime is consistency. By starting slow and building over months and years, the body can adapt in incredible ways. It is tempting to experiment and be distracted by hype exercise but this approach usually leads to lack lustre results. Results can include: happiness, satisfaction, physical, or mental improvements. Pick something you enjoy and do it consistently. Once you are in the groove, make subtle changes and increase the challenge. It’s a simple formula but hard to follow. If you feel yourself veering in 2019 steer things make to the centre:)

Mental health: I was someone who thought a full schedule was the height of progress but as I chip away at the low value activities and reflect on the people I admire I slowly have more time to think, read, and do nothing. We go on vacation to create time - why not make it a priority every week. Checkout this short clip of Bill Gates and Warren Buffett discussing time. On a personal note, Michelle and I have our second baby due in March...this is an obvious curveball and I will reflect and report on what it has done to my “time.”

Sleep: I picked up a new management book called It doesn’t have to be crazy at work. The authors run a business called basecamp. They promote a work, life balance I can get on board with. I particularly like this quote: “Sleep deprivation is not a prerequisite for success! It’s an inhibitor, and whatever success that’s left is survivorship bias.” Is your work impacting your sleep? What can you do about it?

Grub: I am running a challenge this month for a group of friends and clients called the January Challenge (see the link below). It is a nutrition and exercise challenge. There are no guidelines as to what you eat just that you track it. I am firm believer that barring an existing medical condition we should be able to eat what we like within moderation. Like anything in our world even this “diet” has a name - intuitive eating. The approach simply asks you to be mindful of what you eat and how your body feels. Are you full? Are you hungry? What have you eaten today, is this a good choice for me right now? A simple approach but mindfulness of any kind is a challenge. Take a look at the 10 principles of intuitive eating.

Quote: “Sleep deprivation is not a prerequisite for success! It’s an inhibitor, and whatever success that’s left is survivorship bias.”

Thanks as always for reading. All the best in 2019!

Warren Buffet and Bill Gates
It doesn't have to be crazy at work
10 principles of intuitive eating

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2019 Learning Plan


Do I need core training for squash??